ICOM Aotearoa New Zealand

All news

May 27, 2024

Inaugural winners of the ICOM Aotearoa NZ symposium grant reflect on CAM 2024

In March this year two GLAM professionals received the inaugural professional development grant from ICOM Aotearoa NZ to attend the CAM conference. Shae Trewin, Collections Leader at Nelson Provincial Museum and Hannah Rushton, Collections Assistant at Nelson City Council, both received funding to travel to Auckland to attend the symposium held in Auckland and Waikato. Their applications stood out as being dedicated to increasing the awareness and accessibility of local institutions, collections, and their stories.

ICOM Aotearoa NZ were thrilled to support these two passionate professionals and you can read their reflections on the experience via the links below.

CAM Reflections_Hannah Rushton

CAM Reflections_Shae Trewin

