Chair’s Message

Tēnā koutou katoa,

Over the last year, your ICOM Aotearoa New Zealand Board has met regularly to discuss membership, develop a strategic framework and strengthen existing links with Museums Aotearoa and ICOM HQ in Paris. Local membership numbers remain stable, and we hope that that our members increasingly see our value as a connection with the international museum sector and opportunities for participation in conferences, symposia and conversations.

The ICOM Aotearoa New Zealand Strategic Framework 2022-2025 has been developed over the last two years and we are actively using this document to guide our activity. Aligning with this, we have a new work programme, a living document to guide our activities and responsibilities, ensuring that we bring life to the strategy and fulfil both the expectations of our members and the potential of ICOM in Aotearoa New Zealand. As Chair, I thank the Board for their invaluable input and advice.

Our relationship with Museums Aotearoa continues to grow, and we enjoy a proactive and positive relationship with the Chief Executive which is much valued. As MA develops, we have greater opportunity to partner on information sharing, professional development opportunities and ideas around networking for the benefit of the members of our respective organisations. Having the basic premise of ICOM focussing on connections and collaborations with the international sector alongside MA’s focus on the domestic sector has helped align our understanding. Ngaa mihi nui to Adele and her team.

ICOM Aotearoa New Zealand continues to engage with the wider ICOM leadership and processes. We have been attending National Committee meetings, and joint meetings with the International Committees as the Advisory Council. This is the channel for responding to issues raised either by the membership or the Executive Board, and making views known to the Executive Board. In Prague, on 24 August 2022, the Extraordinary General Assembly of ICOM approved the proposal for the new museum definition with 92,41% (For: 487, Against: 23, Abstention: 17). Following the adoption, the new ICOM museum definition is:

“A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sustainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing.”

ICOM also adopted the Strategic Plan 2022-2028, with a vision that “By 2028, we will be a more transparent, agile, collaborative and democratic organisation, supporting our network to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world.” You will see the values and priorities of this plan are reflected in our own new Strategic Framework, particularly being international in outlook, professional in focus and collaborative in practice.

Ngā mihi nui kia koutou

Liz Cotton