Renew my membership

Memberships are valid for a calendar year from 1 January to 31 December. Membership renewals open on 1 October when invoices for the following year will be sent to all current members to renew their membership. You can join at any point during the year, with membership valid until 31 December.

New membership requests are via the on-line application form. New membership cards take around 4- 6 weeks delivery from ICOM in Paris. New members need to apply at least three months prior to travelling.

ICOM Aotearoa New Zealand  is closed during Christmas and the new year period. If members wish to have valid memberships for travel during this period, invoices will need to be paid no later than 12 December.

Join by clicking on the ‘Join ICOM’ button at the top of the page.

See our FAQs for more information.